‘Learn to Love, Love to Learn’

Arts & Celebrations


Christmas Performance of Pinocchio by Altru Theatre Company 

The children were completely mesmerised by the wonderful performance. The event was truly inspirational, expecially for our budding actors and musicians! 

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Arts Weeks October 2024

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Community Arts Day October 2024

Lots of children and parents/carers joined us on Saturday to take part in our annual Community Arts Day. It was a great succes and well-attended by our wonderful families. There were lots of activities for the children to take part in and everyone went home with creative piececs. A huge thank you to the staff for volunteering to host this great event. 

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Widnes Rotaty Club Shoebox Appeal

Teaching staff at St. Bede's donated items throughout November and December to support Widnes Rotary Club's Showbox Appeal. The School Councillors helped to load the boxes and get them ready for their journey to those in need. A huge thank you to all who donated to this worthwhile appeal.

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Outstanding Celebrations

In October, we were visited by two Ofsted inspectors who shared in the wonderful work that St. Bede's staff and children take part in every day. We are delighted to report that we have retained our outstanding grading in all areas. Well done to all the staff, community stakeholdes and pupils - what a well-deserved outcome! Of course, we needed to celebrate afterwards!

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Christmas Jumper Competition

Miss Parle and Mrs. Kaye are very keen for children to be safe when using technology online. We use Purple Mash here at St. Bede's which is a safe online learning platform for all children to use both in school and at home. To promote the excellent tools on Purple Mash, Miss Parle and Mrs. Kaye set a Christmas Jumper Competition for the Year One and Two children alongside the Digital Leaders from Year Two. We had lots of entries and it was very difficult to pick a winner! The Digital Leaders decided to choose 1st, 2nd and 3rd places for each year group! Below are the winners with their great entries.




As part of Arts Week, Amasing visited St. Bede's Infants School. Amasing believes that the Arts are for everybody and that everyone should join in - and so do we! Children used percussion instruments to create rhythm and pulse.

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Arts Week - 'What a Wonderful World'

As part of HPAN (Halton Primary Arts Network) theme 'A Wonderful World', children explored the many fabulous ways in which our world is wonderful. The exhibition will take place in February with further dates to follow.

Year two focused on the oceans and created a beautiful sea of jelly fish using chalk and oil pastels, watercolours and permanent markers.

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Remembrance Day 2023

Miss Scragg led a Collective Worship for Remembrance Day with Key Stage One. Children refelcted an events of the past and indeed the current issues faced by many in our world today.

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Community Arts Day October 2023

Lots of children and parents/carers joined us on Saturday to take part in our annual Community Arts Day. It was a great succes and well-attended by our wonderful families. There were lots of activities for the children to take part in and everyone went home with creative piececs. A huge thank you to the staff for volunteering to host this great event. 




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